Weekly Winks

Two toddlers set up their stuffed animals to watch The Tots’ basketball game Saturday morning. Never underestimate the imaginations of littles.

Photography by Lori K. Tate

What started as a week with lots of time blocked out to get things done ended up being an exhausting set of days filled with tragedy and super weird weather. I texted to a couple of friends this morning that life moved a little too fast for me this past week. It’s times like these when we need Winks more than ever. That’s one of the main reasons I created this site. So without further adieu, here’s this week’s Weekly Winks.

            Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write them down — share the goodness.   

Saturday — At The Tots’ basketball game, two toddlers set up their stuffed animals (all four of them) to watch the game. It was way too precious. The imagination of a small child is a wonderful gift. Soak it in whenever you can. 

Sunday— The Tots turned 10! They woke up early to greet their new age (and presents). There are no words to describe how much I love these two people. 

Monday — Graydon had to stay home from school because of a terrible cold. I’m not a great “sick” mom because I don’t have a good frame of reference for it. (Not to brag, but I was the nerd who had 12 years of perfect attendance at school.) That said, I was touched when Graydon told me I was a great mommy while he was lying on the couch congested. 

Tuesday— I ran on the Davidson College campus (my favorite place to run) in a tank top — in February. Add that there was a slight drizzle and you have the perfect run, my friends.  

Wednesday— At our Wednesday night church dinner, Jessika Tucker, executive director at Angels & Sparrows (an amazing soup kitchen in Huntersville – www.angels&sparrows.org) spoke. Her stories of helping and hope were incredibly inspiring. It’s so important that we help each other. Just do it!

Thursday — The weather decided to go berserk today, and The Tots had to shelter in place twice at school because of a tornado warning. (Thanks to awesome admin and teachers for keeping them safe. Teachers do so much more than teach.) Margot has terrible weather anxiety, and I was so worried about her. Once we had clearance to pick up our kids, I went to get them. When I got there, they were fine and told me they wanted to stay. I was so proud of them for being brave. I went over to Harris Teeter, made a salad at the salad bar and ate it in my mini van while they finished their day.

Friday — On Wednesday night, one of my oldest friends and my big sister (not by blood but close enough) lost her father in an automobile accident. He was a close family friend, and this is beyond heartbreaking for her family and the community. Though we have grown apart as our lives took place in different towns and the responsibility of motherhood fills our calendars, my friend and I have a special bond that can’t be broken. This morning as she was sifting through pictures for her father’s service, she found one of my parents dancing at her wedding. She texted it to me, and through all of this unbelievable pain, here was a Wink of Goodness. I hope and pray that’s she able to find more Winks as she navigates this horrific time. 

Happy weekend! Hug the people you love and tell them just that, that you love them. 

4 thoughts on “Weekly Winks”

  1. Love the teddy bears at the game….made me smile and feel happy!

    So sorry about your friend’s father….and what a lovely think she did sending you a picture of your parents. We are all so blessed to have special people in our lives…friends who are often even closer than family.

    Thinking of you and your family.
    Hugs, Carole

    1. Thanks, Carole. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts. This is such a tragedy.

      Hugs and love!

  2. I hate that this happened to your friend. It is something that I think about and fear far too often. She will be in my prayers as are you. Seeing the goodness in even the small things is something that, even in the face of tragedy, you do so well. Blessings and hugs, Ginny

    1. Thank you. She is an amazing person, and I know she will get through this. It’s just so hard.

      Hugs and love to you.

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