A Held Hand

This morning I was waiting in line to drop off The Tots at school. I always love watching students walk into school, their backpacks stuff with finished assignments and freshly pack lunches. This morning I saw a friend of mine’s little girl walking in wearing a colorful outfit with a matching bow. This little girl is absolutely gorgeous, and she almost always has a smile on her face. You would never know that she has special needs.

I think she has epilepsy, but I’m not certain of the correct term, but she has a little bit of a different walk, her walk. This morning she was holding another little girl’s hand who was a couple of years older than her. The older girl was making sure she walked into school safely. I teared up as I saw this because I know this other little girl wasn’t her sister. She doesn’t have a sister. This other little girl was a friend making sure that her friend got to class this morning. It was such a beautiful thing.

Later on I saw that the little girl had suffered seizures the day before and had to visit the ER. I just sat there thinking of how brave she was. She came to school ready to go after what I’m sure was quite an ordeal at the hospital. (Is any ER not an ordeal?)

But here she was, and here was her friend. I want to hold onto this image and think about it when I wonder if people still care about each other in this world anymore. Sometimes it’s hard to tell, but sometimes, like this morning, proof is right in front of you. I’m just thankful I was able to see it.