Photography by Lori K. Tate
Yesterday, a red cardinal flew to the bird feeder in our front yard about an hour before dinner. He snacked on birdseed for a few minutes, and then he just stood on the ledge of the bird feeder as if he were taking a much-needed break. I think we all know how that bird feels. We’ve been flying around in our homes, trying to stay sane since March, and we need a little break. The problem is that we have different ways of going about this.
Today, North Carolina goes into a modified phase 2 of reopening. I know some of you can’t wait to eat in a restaurant after getting your hair trimmed, and I also know that some of you won’t leave your homes for a few more weeks — or months. Here’s where we need some major Winks of Goodness. Instead of jumping on a soapbox filled with stats and sources, some valid and some not, just be kind. The last thing we need in addition to the layers of stress we’re already under is political judgments and bickering. Just be kind.
Think of others (especially our vulnerable populations) as you handle the pandemic in a way that works for you and just be kind. In the meantime, it’s Friday, and you know what that means — Weekly Winks!
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — I mowed our yard. This is one of my favorite things to do because you see the results instantly. (It’s also nice not being able to hear what anyone says to you.)
Sunday — A red cardinal sat on the transom window in our living room as we watched our 9:45 church service on YouTube. I’ve never seen a bird in that window before. I hope he liked the service as much as I did.
Monday — John and The Tots sang along to Michael McDonald’s Minute by Minute (love me some Yacht Rock) as we cleaned the kitchen after dinner.
Tuesday — Tears filled my eyes as I drove up to The Tots’ school to put cans in the recycling bin. The building, which is usually full of laughing children and learning, was completely empty, and on top of that, it was raining. The scene was beyond sad. A little later after I finished grocery shopping, Wham!’s Freedom came on the radio, and I just started belting it out. Somehow it made me feel better. So folks, remember that there’s always Wham! to bring you up when you’re down.
Wednesday — The Tots spent the whole rainy day building a city (aptly named Brick Lake City) out of Legos. I loved listening to their city planning discussions. These two are going places!
Thursday — After dinner, The Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show came on the radio. It’s one of my favorite songs from high school, so I had to show The Tots how to do the dance that goes along with it. They laughed at me so hard, and I loved hearing every second of their cackles.
Friday — The sun returned!
This Memorial Day weekend, navigate phase two in a safe way that works for you and our community. AND GET OUTSIDE!