Photography by Lori K. Tate
I have three words for COVID-19 — Make it stop. Rough week, folks, so let’s just get on with Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — Since we’re officially in phase 1, I worked out with some friends on a field Saturday morning. It was so nice to be back together, even though we had to stay six feet apart.
Sunday — We walked on the greenway as a family for Mother’s Day, and the day could not have been more beautiful. I didn’t see a butterfly, but John and The Tots did. I’m guessing mom knew that would be too much for me on my first Mother’s Day without her.
Monday — Last day of school for The Tots! Super weird last day of school because of remote learning, but the last day of school nonetheless. After all was said and done, I tree bathed on our patio with a sigh of relief and a heart full of gratitude for teachers.
Tuesday — I talked with a new friend/church leader at our new church about a new program idea for kids. Can I use the word “new” more? Anyway, it made me excited to think about the world reopening.
Wednesday — I got some much needed alone time on the water. We are so lucky to live where we live.
Thursday — On the way to a farewell parade for Margot’s 2-3 loop teacher, who is moving away, two bluebirds flew in front of us. I took it as a sign that things are getting better, even though we were so sad to say goodbye.
Friday — I got a big dose of girl power by listening to Brene Brown (total awesomeness) interview Jen Hatmaker (also total awesomeness) during a walk. They gave me the kick in the butt I so desperately needed.
Here’s to another week of living in the unknown. Keep holding on and get outside!