Photography by Lori K. Tate
I hope you all are out there celebrating love in its many forms this Valentine’s Day, and I also hope you got plenty of goodies on this special occasion. I just left Harris Teeter with cilantro and NC State beer for my sweetie. It’s not as good as The Stones tickets (whoo-hoo!) he gave me, but I think he’ll like it. So without getting too mushy, here are this week’s Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write them down — share the goodness.
Saturday— We celebrated my Dad’s 83rdbirthday with a Polar Pizza featuring his favorite candy — Reese’s (pronounced Reesie’s) Peanut Butter Cups. Happy Birthday, Dad!
Sunday— We joined our new church, and it was such an exciting day for all four of us. The church’s baking team baked all of the new members bread (pumpkin and blueberry!). (They even let The Tots bring home an extra loaf.)
Monday— I had a miserable cold that prevented me from going to my regular class at the Y. Instead, I walked around Jetton Park, one of my happy places.
Tuesday— I had two Winks today, and since I make the rules on this site, I’m going to share both of them. First off, I went to yoga, as my dreadful cold prevented me from doing a high-impact workout. The class was more than full, but one lady (Kate) got there early and put out mats for people. She called over to me because there was one mat left. I got to take the class after all. Thanks, Kate!
Later at Target, I met a mom who has kids at The Tots’ school. I soon learned that she owns the yoga studio where my late cousin, Marti, used to go all the time. Marti passed away five years ago in March, and I miss her every day, as she was a kindred spirit with great taste. Anyway, I got chills when I discovered my new friend remembered her. It was so nice connecting with someone who knew how special Marti was. Love you, Marti!
Wednesday— My cold wasn’t letting up, so I surrendered to the couch for the morning. It was nice to do nothing and not feel guilty about it. And I actually began to feel better by the afternoon.
Thursday— One of Margot’s best friends visited from Tennessee. Margot’s face lit up as soon as she saw her. When it was time for me to take her friend to where she was staying for the night, they held hands as they walked to the car. Their friendship is so sweet and special.
Friday— Margot came downstairs this morning wearing her pink blanket like a cape, as she carried a “Happy Valentine’s Day” balloon. I love her to pieces!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Go spread some love!