Photography by John G. Tate
Every Friday I share the Winks of GoodnessI experienced throughout the week in the hopes of inspiring you to do the same thing. (I realize that it’s Sunday, but Friday was our 16th wedding anniversary, and John took the day off. The last thing I wanted to do was look at a screen. Then yesterday, Saturday, was the month anniversary of mom’s passing, and I didn’t feel like looking at a screen then either, as grief is for real.) So back to Weekly Winks. I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site (still figuring some technical stuff out on that if you have trouble) or social media. So look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — Our next-door neighbor’s dog (Cade) jumped up on the hammock with me while I was reading. He is the sweetest thing.
Sunday— I had a much-needed meltdown while taking a walk. It felt good to get some of this sadness out.
Monday — I volunteered in Graydon’s fourth grade classroom. These kids were so inquisitive that I thought their arms were going to fall off from raising their hands so much. I clearly need to start having what they’re having. NOTE: Teachers are amazing!
Tuesday— Found a smiley face magic eight ball when I helped my dad clean off his desk. Score!
Wednesday— Larry the butterfly (the butterfly that appeared in Graydon’s class two days after mom’s memorial service) took flight. Go, Larry, go!
Thursday — Had my picture taken with a neon butterfly at the Kacey Musgrave’s concert. (If you’ve never listened to Kacey’s music, go do it right now. Go!) Follow Your Arrow is one of my favorite songs of all time, along with a ton of her other songs. She is awesome sauce, pure and simple.
Friday— Saw a little turtle sunning on a log at the pond at Roosevelt Park. Nothing was bothering this dude.
Happy week!