Photography by Lori K. Tate
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — We celebrated my 48thbirthday with dear friends and our precious new puppy, Sunflower (Sunny for short). She is the best doggie ever!
Sunday — Today, I just checked stuff off of my to-do list, and it’s embarrassing how much joy that brings to me. #middleage
Monday — During lunch I was listening to the radio and Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes came on. My mother used to sing this song all the time, and it’s super rare to ever hear it. I know it was her giving me the pat on the back I needed.
Tuesday — A goldfinch landed on our neighbor’s fountain this morning.
Wednesday — I splurged on a new exercise mat, and it is all that and a bag of chips. Now to stop puppy from biting it!
Thursday — I “taught” five kids in our pod today. These kids are giving it their all even though they so want to be on campus with their friends and teachers. COVID, go away!
Friday — I survived the second week of virtual learning! God bless everyone out there trying to make this work! We’ll get there!
Get outside, look for goodness and savor it, friends! Happy weekend!