Photography by Regina Whiteside
I think we’re in week 14 of riding the Covidcoaster (not my term), but I’m not sure. The one thing I do know about the COVID-19 pandemic is that it is filled with highs and lows. One minute you’re enjoying relaxing on your patio, and the next minute you’re filled with panic because you realize that all you can do is relax on your patio. Concerts? Festivals? What are those?
Anyway, this week started out pretty rough for me, but thanks to Sweet Baby Grace (see My Magic Wand, June 23), a great idea from my son, and a muddy hike with my soul sister and our kids, I’m arriving at Friday feeling good, great actually.
So if our world and all of its warts has got you down, let yourself feel all of that, but don’t linger in those feelings. I know that it’s easy to wallow in them because I’m really good at it, but we just can’t. We can’t! We have to keep looking for goodness. We have to! Notice how I’m repeating statements for emphasis. I hope it’s working because goodness is there amid all the turmoil and sadness. It is always there. That said, here are this week’s Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — John and I took The Tots out on the boat for an evening picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard decided to join us. It’s not often that we get to dine with ducks.
Sunday — Father’s Day. Even though this day was laced with thorns (it marked one year since mom had been at our house and 10 months since we lost her), we managed to have a successful Father’s Day with our fathers. Dad and I are both struggling with our grief, as it is its own roller coaster, but we keep going because mom would be furious with us if we didn’t.
Monday — I enjoyed a good talk with my husband. As parents of 10 year olds, a good talk is about as rare as a trip to Paris.
Tuesday — I had a wonderful conversation with my neighbors’ future son-in-law and his beautiful baby (see My Magic Wand, June 23). We have to talk with each other, folks, but most importantly, we have to listen.
Wednesday — Graydon suggested that we go on a bike ride, so off we went to Jetton Park. As The Tots and I rode up and down the hills at the park, I felt like I was on a nature rollercoaster. It was glorious!
Thursday — My soul sister invited us to hike South Mountain with her family. We had a great hike to the top. As we were enjoying the waterfall at the summit, a thunderstorm crept up. Suddenly, we were booking it down the mountain in pouring rain and mudslides. Even though it was scary, it was more liberating than anything else. My soul sister always knows what I need. So grateful!
Friday — I heard a construction worker blaring NPR as he worked on a house during my run this morning. As an NPR nerd, that made my heart happy.
Get outside this weekend and take in all Mother Nature has to offer. She will save your soul in these dark times. Happy weekend!
Girl, reading your winks of goodness is one of my winks for the week. Sometimes, just seeing, or reading, the joy others experience makes your own heart happy! ❤️ And that soul sister is a wonderful human!
Thank you, Kat! We missed you at Mama Bear Camp this week! Hope your daughter is feeling better!
Hugs and love!