Photography by Lori K. Tate
It’s Friday! Even though the days feel so similar right now, I still get excited about Fridays. This Friday is especially exciting because my dear husband turns 50 tomorrow. That’s right, I’ll be married to a 50-year-old in less than 24 hours!
You can’t really get crazy with a birthday celebration while under a stay-at-home order, but in a way it makes it more fun because you have to be creative. That’s the truth about anything these days. We all have to be creative to make things work in our new world. While it’s frustrating at times, it’s also exciting. So that’s the Wink I’m concentrating on right now — the creativity being unveiled during this crisis. If you look at things through that lens, you might be surprised at how much better things appear.
So since this is Friday, it’s time for Weekly Winks. Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — On Saturday afternoon, I finished a great book — Why We Can’t Sleep by Ada Calhoun. If you are a female member of Generation X, this is the book you have been waiting for. Read it!
Sunday— We had a social distance picnic in my dad’s carport on Sunday afternoon. It was nice to be together.
Monday — A girl in Graydon’s class had an accident and had to stay in the hospital for a few nights. Everyone in the class sent in pictures and videos so Graydon’s teacher could create a “Get Well” video for her. I cried when I watched it because it was so beautiful. Kindness is the best gift we can give each other, injured or not.
Tuesday— My best friend from home had a terrible car accident (see The Survival of Friendship entry from April 22, 2020). Though she was injured and had to stay in the hospital overnight, she is going to be okay. Beyond thankful!
Wednesday— The Tots got new bikes this evening, and they are so excited about them! I love that they love being outside and being active!
Thursday — Rainy days are always harder for me during quarantine, but I found a great yoga workout on YouTube that made me feel a lot better. Just keep moving!
Friday— On my morning phone call with dad, he talked about how lonely he was and how much he missed mom. After he talked about his loneliness, he immediately began talking about his 90-year-old friend in a nursing home and how he was worried about him because he can’t have any visitors. That quick shift from self to someone else was so sweet. We’re all dealing with things in this crisis, but when we look beyond ourselves to others, we can make this situation so much better for everyone.
On another note, my Christmas Cactus finally bloomed, so I’m taking that as a sign that things are going to get better.
Remember that we are all in this together. Look at the world through the lens of creativity and see how beautiful things really are. Stay well!