Photography by Lori K. Tate
I think it’s Friday. To be honest, I’m not sure. The days seem to melt together when you’re doing everything and nothing all at once. This week started off pretty well, but yesterday was hard. Aside from the pandemic (and a zit on my lip that looks like a bad Botox job), there was no particular reason for it to be hard, it just was. From what I hear, a lot of you are experiencing the same thing. Some days are good and you don’t think much about what’s going on, while others seem unbearable when all you can think about is what’s going on.
I try to wear my positive hat as much as I can, but there are days when I want to throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Then I take a deep breath, come to my senses and look for goodness. There’s so much of it around us every day — even now.
Earlier this week I was on a Zoom call, and someone said that they hear the birds a lot more now. I do, too. I watch them flutter by me without a care in the world, and I try to steal some of that freedom for myself. We’ll all have our freedom back at some point, but when we do, I hope that we still pay attention to the birds. That would be a nice memento to take into the future.
So if this is indeed Friday, it’s time for Weekly Winks. Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — We visited my father. (Before you freak out, we followed the rules.) We sat in the driveway the appropriate distance apart and enjoyed Easter dinner from What-A-Burger #13 — the best What-Burger there is! Later, The Tots were playing in the yard and suddenly called me to come see something. They had put dogwoods and a huge purple clematis in mom’s iron butterfly. It was the perfect Wink of Goodness, and I know my mom loved it. It made my Easter.
Sunday— Easter Sunday was hard. It was our first Easter without mom, and it rained – a lot. After the skies finally cleared, I went outside and sat on our front stoop. I started hearing this loud chirping, and when I looked up, I saw a beautiful red cardinal sitting atop our maypole. It was a magic moment, and I so needed it.
Monday — Y’all know I love a good breeze (see The Breeze— August 14, 2019 entry), and Monday the breeze was pretty strong, so I went for a run. As I ran down the street, I felt like the breeze was giving me a good (and badly needed) baptism. It helped clear the sadness from Easter without mom.
Tuesday— During my workout, I listened to songs by Guns N’ Roses (Welcome to the Jungle) and Debbie Gibson (Only in My Dreams), both have places in my eclectic heart.
Wednesday— One of my very best friends celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary today. She and her husband live within walking distance of the park where they got married, so they renewed their wedding vows there with their four children and sweet dog. It’s just the coolest thing! So happy for them!
Thursday — Today was really hard for my son and I, so the Wink is that we got through it.
Friday— I scored some alone time in my home office (a rarity these days because of distance learning). It felt like a vacation!
Remember that we are all in this together. Peace, love and wellness to all of you. There is so much goodness out there. Please take the time to notice.