Photography by Lori K. Tate
The first week of March is in the books, which means the ACC Tournament can’t be far away (FYI, it starts on Tuesday). A big thank you to all of my teachers through the years who wheeled TVs into the classroom so we could watch the tournament. Back then, there were fewer teams in our conference, and the games began on Friday at noon. Talk about an education! Anyway, I hope your team plays well as long as they’re not playing my Tar Heels, and I hope you enjoy this week’s Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write them down — share the goodness.
Saturday— Our family went to the Souper Bowl, an annual soup fest that benefits the Davidson Housing Coalition. This is one of the most delicious events of the year, and we always see friends, new and old, there. The best part is that it helps people who desperately need help.
Sunday— The most precious one-month-old baby boy sat in front of us at church. I promise that I listened to the sermon, but it was hard not to stare at this little bundle of joy the whole time.
Monday— I walked into our bedroom to find our two tabby cats, Jefferson and Hamilton, truly sitting “crisscross applesauce.” These two brothers could not love each other more.
Tuesday— It was warm and breezy during my run, and near the end, it began to rain. There’s nothing more rejuvenating that running in the rain.
Wednesday— I discovered that a new friend’s husband grew up near where I did. Our high schools even played each other in sports. In an area brimming with transfers, it’s nice to find a native unicorn once in a while.
Thursday— I learned that Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, the genius who created one of my favorite shows of all time (Designing Women), has written a Designing Women play. Julia Sugarbaker is my spirit animal, and I can’t wait to see what she’s been up to. Someone bring this to Charlotte!
Friday— The Tots’ classes presented their Mountain Sharing today, which is a wonderful tribute to North Carolina and its beautiful mountains. Oh how I love my Tots, and oh how I love my state.
Happy weekend! Go Heels!