Photography by Lori K. Tate
With March starting on Sunday, we’re getting closer and closer to my favorite time of year — spring, the official season for Winks of Goodness. Even though it’s a bit chilly here today, the sun is practicing for warmer months, so go enjoy it after reading this week’s Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write them down — share the goodness.
Saturday — During my run this morning, a golden retriever rode by with his head sticking out of the window. I don’t think either of us could have enjoyed that moment more.
Sunday— The last hymn for our church service was Hank Williams’ I’ll Fly Away, perhaps one of the coolest hymns ever.
Monday — The Tots went to an hour-long class at the Y, which gave mommy 60 full minutes to read Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy, a lesson for humanity.
Tuesday— I wrote about this earlier this week on my blog, but it was such a beautiful moment I had to include it here, too. Near the end of my run in Davidson, a vibrant bluebird flew in front of me. It was a beautiful Wink of Goodness. Click on my link titled The Little Bird for the story about the significance of bluebirds.
Wednesday— The flashback photo on my Facebook page was a picture of The Tots standing beside a snowman they built for our cousin Marti (Aunt Marti to them). They were super cute five-year olds in this picture, and Marti adored them. Sadly, she passed away from cancer less than a month after this picture was taken. I miss her every day.
Thursday — I had lunch with one of my mentors. We hadn’t seen each other in years, but it didn’t matter one bit because we speak the same language. I’m beyond grateful to have her in my life. Treasure the people who guide you.
Friday— On the way to school, The Tots and I heard Todd Rundgren’s Friday anthem Bang on the Drum, except this version contained dialogue from one of my favorite movies of all time, Office Space. With every line I just chuckled.
Happy weekend! Go outside as much as you can this weekend!