It’s the last day of January, which is awesome because this is the most dismal month of the year. No worries because we’re almost through it. In the meantime, here are this week’s Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write them down — share the goodness.
Saturday— John, The Tots and I cleaned our house — I mean really cleaned. I absolutely hate cleaning, but I love the end result. It was so nice on Saturday night to kick back in a clean home.
Sunday— The closing hymn at church was an old school favorite, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. It reminded me of mom. I miss her so much.
Monday— While researching my post for this past Tuesday, I visited my old blog — https://imnotafertilemyrtle.wordpress.com/about/. I was so excited that it was still there, despite all of the typos. (I blame all of those on my fertility drugs.) Anyway, the best part was reading people’s responses, especially my mom’s. It was like she was talking to me. Again, I miss her so much.
Tuesday— I had lunch with two of my best friends. It was one of those lunches where we just talked and talked and talked. Everyone needs more meals like that.
Wednesday— I decided to get new headshots made for this blog, so my awesome best friend from home agreed to do my make-up. Anyone who can make the dark circles under my eyes disappear is a genius, and she did just that. I love her so much!
Thursday— On the way to school Margot saw a flock of birds flying overhead, and she got so excited. I loved hearing her talk about the birds in her sweet voice. We decided that they were either heading to a party or the beach or better yet, a beach party. Always remember to look up!
Friday— Today I delivered special lunches to The Tots at school for their birthday. As I was walking down the hall with my hands full, a little boy I didn’t know asked if I needed help. Love a kid with good manners!
Happy weekend! The next time I write on this blog, I’ll be the mother of tweens. Yikes!
Another week of your sharing good thoughts that made me smile.
Yay! Hope all is well!