Photography by Lori K. Tate
Well, we made it through Christmas. Maybe you survived the stress of hosting family or buying presents or singing a solo at church on Christmas Eve. Maybe you endured waiting hours in line for Christmas lights while having to use the bathroom. Depending on your situation, making it through Christmas can mean lots of different things.
For me this year it meant experiencing the holiday without my mom. Though we missed her terribly, we managed to have a good Christmas filled with love, laughter, memories and grits at the Waffle House. She was there as we served red velvet cake (her specialty) on her red dessert plates, and she was there as The Tots dipped cranberry juice and ginger ale from her punch bowl. She was there for all of it. So as we wrap up 2019, here’s the latest Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday— We took The Tots ice-skating at the Whitewater Center (if you haven’t done this, go — so fun). A sweet lady walked up to them as soon as we got there and gave them glow stick bracelets and wished them a Merry Christmas. She didn’t ask for any money; she was just being kind.
Sunday— I enjoyed an amazing sermon at church that left me so inspired and hopeful for the New Year.
Monday— Our neighbors brought over a bouquet of mistletoe, complete with a red bow. You can’t beat good neighbors!
Tuesday— Dad was so sad when he came over for Christmas Eve, but after going to church and the Waffle House with us, he was smiling. That was a wonderful Christmas gift.
Wednesday— So many Winks on Christmas Day. Loved seeing The Tots discover what Santa brought them. (Santa brought me Michael Bublé tickets, which was a complete surprise. Thanks, Santa!) But most of all, I was glad to just be in the moment and not feel as sad as I was expecting to feel. I’m sure a grief wave will surface soon, but I’m glad it held off on Christmas Day.
Thursday— Did you see the sunset Thursday night? Talk about a beautiful last-minute Christmas gift.
Friday— The Tots and I slept in, so I didn’t make it to my exercise class. I texted my friends to let them know that I wasn’t coming, and instead of shaming me, they told me to enjoy resting. Good friends are the best gift. Love my tribe so much!
Happy holiday week — part II!
Love you ❤️
Love you, too, dear friend. Happy New Year!
Oh, Lori! I look forward to these weekly winks. They are so uplifting! Wishing you and John and the tots a Happy new Year!