Photography by Liz Mills
It’s Cookie Week! Yes, my daughter just joined Girl Scouts, but I’m not talking about Girl Scout Cookies. I’m talking about cookies that work miracles — magic cookies.
A friend of mine told me about Cookies For Kids’ Cancer a few years ago, and although I had heard the name of the organization in passing, I didn’t know much about it. Unfortunately, by the time I had a better grasp of this nonprofit, I also had a better grasp of kids’ cancer, as one of my best friends, Liz Mills, lost her beautiful two-year-old to this ruthless disease — unexpectedly.
Little Easton Mills was the ultimate Wink of Goodness with her electric smile, beautiful bows, playful curiosity and endless energy. She’s the inspiration for this blog (read the Where the Winks Come From — February 20, 2019 entry), and she and her mother continue to inspire me every single day.
When Liz first moved here, I suggested fun things for her to do with her family. (She referred to me as her personal Yelp.) One of the events I told her she had to go to was Christmas in Davidson, a three-evening holiday celebration in downtown Davidson that could easily be mistaken for a Norman Rockwell painting. She took me up on it and brought Easton and Easton’s big brother, Grant, to the event.
When I saw her the next day she said that they had fun but that she ended up carrying Easton the whole night because she left her stroller in the car. I don’t know why I remember that, but I do. I remember all of my Easton moments because there were way too few of them.
The next Christmas in Davidson, I worked the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer booth with Liz in memory of Easton, as she passed away seven months prior. All of our friends baked cookies and volunteered at the booth to honor this little girls’ spirit, support her mother and raise money for pediatric cancer research so other families would have a better chance of beating this disease.

Photography courtesy of Liz Mills
Thursday night marks our third bake sale. We’ve raised thousands of dollars for Cookies For Kids’ Cancer, and this year Liz has expanded the cookie sale to A Huntersville Christmas, so we’re sure to do better than ever. (I can’t help thinking about Dolly Parton’s character Truvy in Steel Magnolias when she opens up her second beauty shop and says, “Look, I’m a chain.” Easton’s bake sale is now a chain!)
There are so many things to love about this bake sale, but the thing I love the most is that it’s a beautiful (and delicious) way to remember Easton — out loud. So many times when someone loses a loved one, people are scared to talk to about it. Silence might work for some folks, but it doesn’t work for Liz, as we talk about Easton all the time, and we also look at pictures and videos of her. On Thanksgiving Day a video of Easton playing with a hula-hoop popped up in my Facebook memories. I thought about how perfect that was because I am so thankful she and her family are in my life.
A day doesn’t go by that I don’t wish that Easton could be with us physically, but I have no doubt that her spirit is with us constantly, sending us Winks right when we need them most. This past summer when my mother was so sick, I found strength in Easton’s memory. Liz’s bravery kept me going when my mother couldn’t squeeze my hand. Why would anyone ever want to hide that kind of power? It’s important to remember and talk about those who’ve left us. That’s the trick in keeping them close.
If you happen to be at Christmas in Davidson or A Huntersville Christmas this weekend, stop by the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer booth, make a donation and eat a delicious cookie (or five). While this is the season that brings out the best in everyone, Easton Mills’ spirit manages to do that all year long.
NOTE: If you’d like to make an online donation to Easton’s Christmas in Davidson Bake Sale, visit https://www.cookiesforkidscancer.org/Fundraiser/ChristmasInDavidson2019