Photography by Lori K. Tate
Yesterday, I told John that I feel like a dog on vacation at the beach. It’s as if the world has a retractable leash on me that will allow me to see the fun things but not interact with them. Sorry folks, that’s all I’ve got for this week because it’s been a rough one.
That said, here this week’s Weekly Winks. I know there is much for which to be grateful, so that’s what I’m going to focus on this Easter weekend, and I encourage you to do the same. We’re going to get through this. It’s just going to take some time.
Please share your Winks on my site or on my social media pages. We can’t hear about goodness enough during these challenging times. Enjoy your weekend, breathe in the sunshine, call a friend and stay well.
Saturday — The Tots’ Sunday school teacher sent them some activities to do, and she wrote that she missed them.
Sunday— I pressure washed our back stoop. It’s ridiculous how much pleasure I get out of this activity.
Monday — The azaleas are blooming at my parents’ house, and they are always a sight to see. So many times we’ve taken Easter pictures with these hot pink blossoms serving as the background. Mom loved our azaleas, so dad picked some and placed them on her memorial. I think that’s the sweetest thing even though it breaks my heart to pieces. Happy Easter, mom!
Tuesday— I got a kick out of listening to The Tots sing with their Spanish lesson. I can’t say enough good things about how well their teachers are handling this crisis. Thank you!
Wednesday— We found five rolls of paper towels behind a pile of laundry. This is our new reality, folks.
Thursday — I had a great morning run. Thank goodness we’re still allowed to run!
Friday— My husband worked out with me in the yard today because I’m so tired of doing workouts alone. I miss my tribe at the Y so much I could cry (and have).
Remember that we are all in this together. Peace, love and wellness to all of you.
Happy Easter!