Photography by Lori K. Tate
Happy New Year! Hope you’re all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for 365 (well, 363 at this point) days of adventure and intrigue. We have no way of knowing what’s coming our way this year, but that’s all part of the fun. Just know that whatever happens, I will try my best to squeeze every ounce of goodness out of it. So hello, 2020! It’s nice to meet you! Here’s the latest Weekly Winks.
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — We escaped to the mountains for the day (and night). It was so nice to get away and reset. While we were in Hendersonville (super cute mountain town outside of Asheville), I bought a pair of earrings at a boutique. The clerk wrapped them in anchor paper.
Anchors are the sign we use to remember sweet Easton Mills (see Where the Winks Come From — February 20, 2019 and Magic Cookie Week — December 3, 2019). Think about this. I’m at a mountain boutique, and it has beachy anchor paper. Thanks for that Wink, Easton!
Sunday— Still in Hendersonville, I left a package of books at the soda shop where we had lunch. We called hours later, and the waitress had put them aside for us. There are still lots of honest people in this world!
Monday — I spoke to a friend at my acupuncturist’s office (a practice I highly recommend), and she told me she saw a butterfly in the park earlier that day. Remember it’s December, people. Thanks for that Wink, Mom!
Tuesday— We took The Tots to their first Hornets’ game. During halftime, the team held a baby race (little babies crawled across the court from their dads to their moms). It was beyond precious. The baby who won took a substantial lead from the start. I’m sure the Goldfish crackers his mommy was holding encouraged him. I really think this should be an Olympic sport.
Wednesday— I saw a bluebird on my first run of the year. (Click on The Little Bird tab to learn the significance of that.)
Thursday — While The Tots and I were doing a yoga video in our kitchen, Hamilton, one of our beautiful tabby cats, joined in. If you haven’t heard, Cat Yoga is hip.
Friday— The Tots built a boat trailer out of straws for Barbie’s new wakeboard boat. Love their creativity!
Happy New Year!