Photography by my cousin, Sherry Fortenberry.
Weekly Winks is back after a small hiatus. I did some soul searching about Weekly Winks and decided that it is indeed a good idea to list these every week in the hopes of reiterating goodness in my life and inspiring you to see the goodness in your own.
So, here we go. Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week because I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site or on social media. Look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday— We watched Mr. Mom as a family on Saturday night. I love anything that John Hughes wrote, and this is one of his best. Yes, there were a couple of scenes that weren’t so appropriate for children (what were our parents thinking in the ’80s?), but we glossed over those and enjoyed the movie. The Tots are even quoting some of the funny parts.
Sunday— I went to church by myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love going with John and The Tots, but it was nice to sit alone and take everything in. The sermon was about doing things to make the world a better place instead of just complaining about anything and everything on social media. I left inspired, and I haven’t been on social media hardly at all this week.
Monday— I loved watching The Tots at their first official basketball practice. This is new ground for both of them (and for John and I), and I’m so proud of them for going outside of their comfort zone. Extra props to sweet Margot, as she is the only girl on the team. Girl power!
Tuesday— Graydon insisted on pouring my coffee this morning.
Wednesday— Saw a set of boy/girl twins (around 2 years old) at the Y jump out of their stroller so they could push it themselves. So grateful to be a twin mom!
Thursday—Five bluebirds landed on the football field at Davidson College as I ran around the track. Today marks three months since mom passed away, and I know she sent a bluebird to each of us (me, dad, John and The Tots) to remind us that we’re still alive and need to get on with things.
Friday— This morning, Jefferson, one of our two tabby cats, insisted on four belly rub sessions instead of the standard two. I respect his perseverance and the fact that he has no difficulty relating his needs to others. We should all be more like him.
Happy week!