Photography by Lori K. Tate
Every Friday I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week in the hopes of inspiring you to do the same thing. I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site (still figuring some technical stuff out on that if you have trouble) or social media. So look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday — A lovely lady was selling clay bead necklaces at the Davidson Fall Art Festival (super fun festival, by the way) for $20. She planned to give all the money she earned to the Lake Norman Community Health Clinic, so I bought one. There’s nothing better than being fashionable for a good cause. Props to this woman for spreading goodness.
Sunday— Butterflies were everywhere. Two yellow ones danced around our patio in the morning, and later I spotted five yellow butterflies whirling around my geraniums. Then on my in-law’s patio, a butterfly flew right by my face. I saw another one as soon as I met my friend at the pool. She said she had been there for an hour and hadn’t seen any butterflies until I arrived. Thanks, mom.
Monday — Got a hug from Mr. Bob at The Fresh Market. I hadn’t seen him in a while, so it was good to catch up. His mother also had Alzheimer’s, so he knows about this bastard of a disease.
Tuesday— Saw the old lady booking it up Catawba Avenue this morning. I hadn’t seen her lately, so I’m glad she’s okay. For more info on her, read the Take a Good Look Around entry from June.
Wednesday— Spotted a huge (I mean Clifford-like) dog sticking his head out of the sunroof of a Cadillac at the Harris Teeter in Davidson. He was so happy!
Thursday — Graydon made “fun passes” for our upcoming long weekend at Lake Tillery by using his calculator. Love him so much!
Friday— The Tots are so excited about going to their first high school football game tonight. I can’t wait to share Friday Night Lights with them. Go Spartans!
Happy week!