Photography by Lori K. Tate
Every Friday, I share the Winks of Goodness I experienced throughout the week in the hopes of inspiring you to do the same thing. (Yes, I know it’s Saturday, so please refrain from calling the blog police. It’s been a crazy week.) I’ve found that writing down and formally acknowledging these suckers gives them more power. I encourage you to share your own Weekly Winks on my site (still figuring some technical stuff out on that if you have trouble) or social media. So look around and write it down — share the goodness.
Saturday— I enjoyed approximately 30 minutes of lounging on the lake in a tube, complete with a drink holder and headrest, that my husband found floating in the lake earlier this summer. (We average finding one lake toy a year on the water — floating Winks of Goodness.)
Sunday — I finally finished pressure washing our driveway. I began this project earlier this summer right when mom got sick. It was then that I discovered my passion for pressure washing any and all things. I think this might be my future.
Monday— James Taylor’s Your Smiling Face came on the radio while I was driving The Tots to their first day of school. They asked me to turn it up so they could sing along. When I picked them up from school they were smiling from ear to ear because they had such a good day. I adore bookend days!
Tuesday — Margot and I heard Rainbow Connection, one of my all time favorite songs because it is one of the best songs of all time, while we were sitting in a waiting room.
Wednesday— I helped The Tots write thank you notes to their aunts and uncles, as well as a dear family friend. This is the kind of thing that was never accomplished when I was working at the magazine because there simply wasn’t time.
Thursday— I read some of Bad Girls Throughout History by Ann Shen to Margot, yet another thing I didn’t get to do as much as I wanted to when I was working at the magazine. These courageous women inspired both of us. The cool thing is that the ones who were financially successful gave most of their money to charity.
Friday— John and I cancelled our date night to go see my mother who is not doing well at all. On the way home we stopped at a restaurant in my hometown for dinner at the bar. One of our friends was playing in a jazz quartet there, so we ended up having date night after all, plus I got to eat North Carolina trout, one of my absolute favorite foods.