Thanks for visiting Winks of Goodness, where we find the good in every day. Now that you’re here, you’re probably wondering what this is all about, so here’s my elevator speech even though we’re not on an elevator (work with me).
We all experience different kinds of days. There are days when you land a great parking spot, get Extra Bucks on your CVS receipt and/or manage to sneak in an afternoon nap. Then there are days when you can’t find your keys, talk to nine people before realizing you have part of a blueberry stuck between your teeth and/or your gas tank is beyond empty in carpool line. In and around days like that, there are blah days, amazing days, tragic days, sub-par days and just days. Goodness exists in all of it, you just have to be open to it.
What makes me an expert on goodness? Not a thing. I haven’t had some sort of magical experience that makes me see unicorns in my salad, I’m not a hip guru that’s reached enlightenment while looking at the sunset and I’m not a Pollyanna who doesn’t understand that life gets real, real fast and real quick. I’m Lori. I’m a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend and a person who believes that there is always goodness, even in its smallest form (a wink if you will), around us.
So now that you’re here, take a look around and then take a look around your own life to find the goodness. It’s there.
— Lori K. Tate
Photography by Deborah Young of Deborah Young Photography in Cornelius, and my magical make-up is by my bestie, Katrina Barringer of Timeless Rejuvenation in Concord.